Joachim Koops, Jean Monnet Chair in the European Union’s role in Security and Global Affairs led a new study for the EP’s Subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE) on the EU’s Global Security and Defence Partnerships in the wake of Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine.
The new Report “The Strategic Compass: Implementing the Partnership Dimension in the area of Security and Defence” has been co-authored by Joachim Koops and Ramon Pacheco Pardo from King’s College, London.
The in-depth report focuses on providing advice on how to implement the Strategic Compass’s partnership dimension in the field of security and defence, and how to maximise the potential of the EU’s different strategic partnerships. The report provides not only an up-to-date overview of the most important security and defence partnerships, but also places them in their wider historical context, and in the context of future challenges within a fiercely changing geopolitical landscape. The report maps the EU’s different partnerships and their institutional arrangements, as well as the main policy fields in the realm of security and defence. It offers and in-depth analysis of the core challenges of each major partnership and charts out concrete recommendations for how each partnership can be geared towards a more impactful realisation of the StrategicCompass’s goals. It will also examine how existing cooperation arrangements can be improved, and how new fora can be utilised in a more comprehensive manner.Overall, this IDA seeks to examine and assess in detail how the StrategicCompass’s emphasis on security and defence partnerships can be implemented in practice, and what role the European Parliament can play in this process.
You can access the full report here.